Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Applying to Cultural Connections
  2. Arriving at Cultural Connections
  3. Moving In
  4. Rooming at Cultural Connections


  1. Do I automatically get into Cultural Connections (CC) if I submitted an application?

    Not necessarily. We have a limited number of spaces, so we cannot always accommodate everyone who applies to CC. There is a limited review process for CC applicants, so you will be notified during the summer if you are accepted. You should know though, that with a handful of exceptions, we have traditionally been able to accommodate everyone who has applied.

  2. How will I know if I have been admitted to CC?

    You will find out via email if you have been admitted, so please make sure to provide us with your most current email address in your application. The email will give you information on what to bring to CC, travel arrangements, and a general schedule of events. 

  3. I am not on financial aid so I will be paying the program fee. How should I make the payment?
    If you are not on financial aid, your Yale student account will be billed $200 automatically at the end of the program.

  4. Should I apply to CC if I am an athlete who will also be training during the week of CC?
    If you are an athlete who does not have training August 20th - 24th, please apply!

    The CC schedule is packed with activities that all participants have to attend, and many fall athletic schedules conflict with that. Therefore, we aren’t able to accommodate athletes whose training coincides with CC; however, you are welcome to join us for some of CC’s events. We will have a social on the first night of CC, a Poetry Jam, and a Talent Show that athletes are welcome to attend.


  1. Can I arrive a day late to CC?

    No, all students must arrive before the program begins. Many activities and bonds are formed right from the beginning of the program that can shape your total experience. All days of CC are full of activities, trips, events, and discussions, so it is imperative that you arrive on time. Since first-year move-in is August 17th, and CC doesn’t start til August 20th, being in town before it begins shouldn’t be a problem.

  2. I will be traveling to New Haven by myself. Will that be a problem?

    Not at all! Actually, many of our students come on their own. You should rest assured that when you arrive, there will be plenty of people to help you move in and show you around. You’ll likely make friends very quickly and should not be anxious about arriving alone.

  3. Where should we go once we get to New Haven?

    That information will be shared in emails related to first-year move in day.

  4. What’s the best way to get from Hartford/Bradley airport to Phelps Gate?

    The Hartford airport is about an hour away from New Haven, and the cheapest way to get from Hartford to Yale (besides having a friend or family member drive you) is through the Go Airport Shuttle service. You can find more info about the shuttle service, including pick-up and drop-off locations on Yale’s campus here.

    For driving directions from Hartford, you should consult an online mapping site such as Google or Yahoo. The street address of Phelps Gate is 344 College Street, New Haven, CT 06520. For more information about travel to New Haven, see the Yale College Website.

  5. What’s the best way to get from Tweed airport to Phelps Gate?

    Tweed airport is about 15 minutes away from Phelps Gate, and the easiest way to get to Yale from the airport is by taxi. Most taxi drivers in New Haven know where Phelps Gate is, but in case they do not know, Phelps Gate is located on 344 College Street, opposite the New Haven Green and between Elm and Chapel streets. The taxi fare will probably cost between $10 and $15, plus a customary 10% to 15% tip. If you cannot find a taxi (Tweed is a small airport), call a taxi company at either (203) 777-7777 or (203) 777-7778. For more information about travel to New Haven, see this Yale College Website.

  6. What’s the best way to get from a New York airport to Phelps Gate?

    New York is about an hour and a half away from New Haven, and the easiest way to get from New York to Yale (again, besides having a friend or family member drive you) is through the Go Airport Shuttle service. You can find more info about the shuttle service, including pick-up and drop-off locations on Yale’s campus here.

    MetroNorth does have a train that goes directly from New York to New Haven’s Union Station, and it is cheaper than CT Limo, but we do not recommend it unless you’ve used it before and don’t have a lot of luggage. Grand Central Terminal can be difficult to reach from all New York airports especially if you are not familiar with the area, so if you are flying into New York, you should probably just take the shuttle.

    For driving directions from New York, you should consult an online mapping site such as Google or Yahoo. The street address of Phelps Gate is 344 College Street, New Haven, CT 06520.

  7. What’s the best way to get to Phelps Gate from the New Haven train station?

    The train station is about five minutes away from Phelps Gate, so the easiest way to get to Yale is by taxi. Most taxi drivers in New Haven know where Phelps Gate is, but in case they do not know, Phelps Gate is located on 344 College Street, opposite the New Haven Green and between Elm and Chapel streets. The taxi fare will probably cost between $5 and $10, plus a customary 10% to 15% tip.

  8. How will I know where to go once I get to Phelps Gate?

    Don’t worry. We will have plenty of signs by Phelps Gate, and aides will be ready to help you move your things from the gate into your room.


  1. Will I move in to my permanent room?


  2. Should we bring sleeping bags or linens for CC?

    Yes, we would highly recommend bringing linens. Your rooms will have beds and mattresses, but no sheets or pillows. So, at minimum, you should plan to bring a pillow, pillowcase, extra-long sheets, toiletries, and towels.

    ***If you buy linens through the Associated Student Agencies (ASA) and plan to pick them up on campus, you will still need to bring linens for CC, because the ASA will not have your items ready until after CC ends.***

  3. Why do the sheets need to be extra long?

    All of the mattresses at Yale are extra long, so normal sheets do not fit. We recommend that you bring extra-long sheets with you to CC.

  4. Can my parents come to help me move in? When should they leave?

    Parents are welcome to help you move in during move-in day on August 17, 2025! Most parents will leave before CC begins on August 20th. 

  5. If we need to ship our belongings where should we send them?

    There is very little time during the CC schedule when you can expect to pick up shipped luggage, so anything being shipped to you should arrive before CC begins or after CC ends.


  1. Where will we be staying during CC?  Will we have roommates?

    In your permanent rooms. Most students will end up staying at Old Campus, unless you are assigned to Timothy-Dwight, Silliman, Benjamin Franklin, or Pauli Murray.

  2. What’s a permanent room?

    A permanent room is the room that you will be staying in during the school year. You will receive a letter from Yale College notifying you of your room assignment over the summer.

  3. Will our rooms have air conditioning?
    No, most of the rooms do not have air conditioning. When it is hot outside, it is hot in the rooms as well, so depending on the weather, you might want to consider bringing a fan. You can also buy a fan during our trip to the mall. This is often more convenient than having to travel to New Haven with a fan!

  1. My parents/friend/cousin/aunt/brother/sister/neighbor/puppy want to come and spend time with me during the middle of CC, is that OK?

    Not really. We have a lot of activities planned during CC, including trips outside of Yale, and we expect everyone to participate. The best time for visitors to come is before CC starts or after it ends.

  2. Are participants responsible for buying their meals and paying for expenses related to the events that take place during the program (e.g. field day?).

    We will cover the costs of all meals and pay for the activities during our trips, such as transportation for field day. If you want to buy souvenirs, additional snacks, or things for your room, you should plan to bring your own spending money.


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